Monday, October 09, 2006

A *PeEKie*

Hoo-ray! It's sneaky peekie time!
Here's a photo of the Poppy Project that we will be selling mid-month (October). The kit will go up for sale on Friday the 13th. They'll start shipping next week. I really can't wait to dig into all of these goodies! Those 7Gypsies stamps are MASSIVE. I was soooo not expecting that! Hee! It was a good surprise! And don't get me started on the papers. Reds and lime greens and bits of pink. So very perfect.

Anyways. I must get back to packing kits!
Have a good one!
Oh, and my sweetie celebrated his birthday this weekend. Happy Birthday, sweet cheeks! :D

In other news: I stepped on my paper cutter today and slashed my foot on this hinge/corner thing that it has on the side. I almost fainted. I don't do well with blood. Yuck. It totally still hurts. I get a little nauseated thinking abt it. So, I think I should stop thinking abt it....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay -- I love your sneakie peekies! Love this one...can't wait for Friday the 13th. (Never thought I would say that.)

Here's wishing you a speedy recovery from your scrap-related injury. Ouch. That musta hurt.

{I heard chocolate helps ouchies heal faster.}

9:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow--a sneak peek and a foot gash! Two very unexpected things to discover on your blog this evening! Hope I can get in on this kit (I've had the darndest time trying to order kits and have yet to get my hands on even one!); from the looks of all the supplies it's gonna be a good one! Hope your foot feels better soon. I agree with Jenny--chocolate has to heal things faster. :) Take care.

11:14 PM  
Blogger Micayla said...

OOOOOOOOOH, another one i just have to have!!!! Lets hope the credit card will handle it!!!
Cheers for the most fabby kits ever!!

12:19 AM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

oh wow! Must have that!!

Sorry about your foot...I hope it feels better soon!

5:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fun looking kit! Hope I remember and am able to get one!!
Sorry about your incident! Hope it heals quickly! :)

5:47 AM  
Blogger Deene Souza Photography said...

Oh gosh! Sounds like a workman's comp case to me! Might need feet therapy . . . like a pedicure!

6:47 AM  
Blogger Juli said...

That photo made my heart rush! What a treat!!

Heal well... sounds like ice cream and movies. Gotta stay off that foot, ya know!!

7:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am new to your kit club. Is this a sneak peek to the Nov. kit or another kit you can buy. If it is a separate kit, I think I need that too. How do you go about buying it on the 13th? Thanks for helping a newbie out. Becky

9:53 AM  
Blogger The Buford Family said...

Can't wait to see what YOU have done with this Poppy Project - I'm sure it will knock my socks off!

Sorry bt the scrapping injury...who would've thought scrapping could be dangerous????

3:35 PM  
Blogger Cate said...

Oh, your poor foot! Blood makes me queasy too. My boyfriend broke both his shoulders in a cycling crash this summer and ever time we were at the hospital getting x-rays and talking to the surgeon I had to put my head between my legs so I didn't pass out. *S*

I LOVE that kit! I hope I can get my hands on one!!!

9:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oooooooh heather...I love you...this looks great, I hope it doesn't sell out before I can snatch it up!!

Sorry about your foot, I just watched my friend slash her finger open with brand new scissors on Saturday, it was a big bleeder and she had to get stitches...eeek.
Feel better soon!!

12:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am new to this kit club, can anyone tell me where on the site I will need to go to purchase the project kit? I love the kit, it looks so fun!!

8:36 AM  
Blogger Deanna G. said...

Thanks for the info Heather! Hope your foot is better and hope to get this fun rad kit :)

8:27 PM  

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