Geez, Louise...
Can I have three more days until July 1st? Please???
Here's a little peekie at the new July site, coming way too soon. I had the greatest time creating my little muse mannequin. I found her looking very sad and dusty on a clearance shelf at TJ Max. So, I whisked her to my studio and dolled her up in duds I can only dream about;)! She's wearing a necklace that's from a broken piece of jewelry I received when my grandma passed away. She is one lucky muse...I miss my grandma...
The clipboards are 7Gypsies and I'd like about a ba-jillion more! I love those little guys!
The Gibb (aka my son) was at Fuss's (aka my mother) house with my sister and her kids, for the past two days. Now he's home and sleeping in his bed, where he belongs :)! It's good to have the little guy back! I'd almost forgotten how interesting trucks and trains can be. Fuss bought him a new tractor at the petting zoo, and he was super stoked to show off his new toy. Hoo-ray for finding happiness in small things like John Deere tractor toys! Leave it to him to help me put things into perspective.
Well, I'm off and back to my BFF. Photoshop.
Heather Burch