Monday, September 17, 2007

Feeling Fallish.

So. The October kit, "This Tiny House." This kit just has me written all over it. I LOVE the fall colors mixed with the funky bits. And how cool is it that scrappy companies are coming out with fabulous crocheted flowers? Really cool. My mother thanks them, because way back in February she was a crazy lady trying to crochet all of those little pretties. So many great manufacturers in this kit; Making Memories, Love Elsie, Imaginisce, Poppy Ink, 7Gypsies, Heidi Swapp, Queen & Co., Basic Grey, Jenni Bowlin. Um. That's a lot of greatness for one kit. :)
Is it October yet?

And the boy. Last year in the fallish leaves.
I really do adore this time of year. Bring on the corn mazes and apple cider.

Besides the autumn poets sing,
A few prosaic days
A little this side of the snow
And that side of the haze.
~Emily Dickinson


Friday, September 14, 2007

Giveaway #3


Okay. This photo is not so great. BUT the goodies really are. It's missing the tags from Every Jot and Tittle, and that owlie wristlet is like *CUTE* in person. I promise.

To win this little prize head on over to the Poppy Ink MB and participate in challenge #3. I'll see ya' there! :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Giveaway #2

Here's the pic of giveaway #2. I'm headed over to the Poppy Ink MB right now to post the challenge! Yippee! My big sis tried to steal that blue vinyl bag, but I totally caught her.
I do what I can for my Poppy Ink peeps. :)

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Giveaway #1

Yum! I had such a fun time putting the giveaways together. This will be the first one, and this is how it'll work. Tomorrow at 6 PM MST I'm going to post a challenge in the Poppy Talk forum. You'll have 24 hours to create a layout (based on the challenge) and post it in the giveaway gallery. The cut off time will be Tuesday at 6 PM MST. I'll put everyones name in a hat and Gibb will pick the winner. The winner will be posted that evening. Fun, right? New challenges will be posted on Wednesday and Friday...the giveaways for those will be just as super! :) Yea! I'm so very excited for this!

AND! Here's a little peekie for the October kit, "This Tiny House." Aren't they cute? ::sigh:: I think I love them. ;)

See ya' tomorrow!